Product name | Explanation |
Late Payment Fee | A late payment fee of $5 is payable by you at the end of each month only if an overdue balance exists at the end of that month. Late Payment Fees are capped at $5 per month, regardless of the number of missed payments in that month, and at $50 for each arrears cycle. An arrears cycle is any period of consecutive months in which there is an overdue balance on your Wizitpay Account. |
Account Keeping Fee | An Account Keeping Fee of $5 is payable for any month during which your Wizitpay Account is active on the last day of the month. Your Wizitpay Account is considered “active” where the balance owing is greater than $0 on any day within that month. No Account Keeping Fee will apply if your Wizitpay Account is not active on the last day of the month. Further, no Account Keeping Fee will apply where the balance owing at the end of the month is comprised solely of fees. |
Original Schedule | Amended Schedule |
Initial Payment $50 | Initial Payment $50 |
Second Instalment $50 | Second Instalment $25 |
Third Instalment $50 | Third Instalment $0 |
Fourth Instalment $50 | Fourth Instalment $0 |